I am a former student of Messenger College (only 1 Semester. Yeah, Yeah, I know, get off my case!). Although I didn't finish college, I have been in full time ministry since a year after I left Messenger.
The love I had for my fiance far outweighed my desire to attend college at that time in my life, and I have now been married to the love of my life, Bobbie, for sixteen years. I wouldn't change anything. My wife and I have had three children and have adopted three more. So that is seven in all (just checking to see if anybody even reads these things, Ha!)
Occasionally I have questioned myself, wondering if I were ministry material, especially when it came time that I would have graduated. A reality check for me was that although I didn't have the classroom experience, I had extreme hands-on training.
In my fifteen years of ministry at
Coastal Bend Family Worship Center, I have done everything in the church from toilet flushing to bus driving, and everything in between, except senior pastoring. Early in ministerial training as an associate, I was always told to function as I would want an associate to function when I'm senior pastor. It hasn't been easy since I work for the toughest Pastor in all of south Texas, aka, my dad. Although it has been difficult at times, I have learned things that even college couldn't have prepared me for.
Currently, my wife and I are the youth pastors of
Turning Point Youth Outreach in Aransas Pass, Texas (near Corpus Christi). We have seen literally over a thousand students come through our doors. Although they come and go, we always operate as Jesus did in Matthew 9. We aren't here to pacify the church kids, we're here to reach the cutters, drug-pushers, gang members, the ones that all the other churches have rejected. So we range anywhere from 120 to 250 hardcore teens every week and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Aaron Jayne
Assoc. Pastor, Coastal Bend Family Worship Center
Youth Pastor, Turning Point Youth Otreach
Aransas Pass, TX