By Rhonda DavisIn December, a man I held very close to my heart passed away. Gary B. McGee was a beloved professor, mentor and friend. His class was the first of my graduate school experience. His classroom was full of challenging ideas, brilliant lectures, inspiring discussion and much love. He pushed me to think critically through every idea until I was sure of my thoughts. He challenged me in a way I had never been challenged before. He knew how to ask the right questions. During one of our discussions, he pushed my brain to the limit then said, “Never settle, Rhonda. Never!” I will never forget it.
Those words, and many more like it from the mouth and pen of Dr. McGee still echo in my mind and heart. He was someone who believed in me…someone who saw what could be…what should be. I loathed and loved him for those words.
It was several years later when I received the news of his passing. He had been sick for many months. I knew it was coming, but was still shocked at my very emotional response. This was my first experience of the loss of a mentor. After my panic subsided (Dr. McGee had always been a phone call or email away), I found God’s peace and presence. God came near to me on a day heaven seemed so far away. I realized Dr. McGee had been such an integral part of my spiritual formation. His mentorship had left such an impression on my life that I am sure I would not be the same without our relationship. The Christ he had helped to form in me remained. He had taught me, not to be dependant on his guidance, but to be dependant on the One who guides me eternally. It wasn’t just about my academic endeavor, or my personal ministry…Dr. McGee wanted me to never settle in the pursuit of my Creator.
Now, Dr. McGee’s death propels me, and many others like me in the pursuit of “not settling.” He leaves with me countless words that bring a hope that drives me to finish my race with goodness as he did. As heaven receives a great servant, I receive the grace only given by God to continue pursuing life with purpose. Though Dr. McGee had received many awards and recognition for his contributions to the Christian community, the legacy he leaves with me is a life that encourages me to view life through the eyes of Christ. As I learn to allow my spiritual formation to produce the right questions, I look to the same God to find answers.
Before each class, Dr. McGee sang these words: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning…new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness, Oh Lord. Great is thy faithfulness!”
It seems we sometimes get things backwards. We look for ideas, projects and structures we feel Christ would approve, and move forward. Rather, I propose that we seek Christ first, and allow those ideas, projects and structures to flow from our pursuit of Him. God is faithful. His love endures forever. I can trust Him to provide the answers. But, do I? On the flip side, am I the same secure Christ-filled mentor as Dr. McGee?
I leave you with Dr. McGee’s words to me, “Never settle. Never!”