September 11, 2001 is this generation’s JFK moment. Most of us can recall vividly where we were and what we were doing at the exact moments of the attacks. This week Janice and I were honored and privileged to attend a prayer summit in New York City at Ground Zero.
On Wednesday, 9/10 a solemn assembly was held at the Crenshaw Christian Center. This was broadcast on God TV. The event was attended by some 400 prayer warriors. It was originally planned for the TBN studios in Manhattan but that venue was not prepared to handle the size of the crowd.
On 9/11 we gathered at Ground Zero for a few moments then ascended to the 55th floor of the Millennium Hotel across Fulton Street from where the Twin Towers once stood. This location was very strategic as we could look right down upon the families and loved ones of those who died in the attacks. We were able to pray while McCain and Obama were at the site.
After 4 hours of prayer, we met a group of intercessors from the United Nations on a tour vessel and boated around Manhattan Island. We went north up the Hudson, across Harlem River and south down East River. Intercession was made for the City and each state of the Union. Most of those in the prayer group fasted from sunup to sundown for revival in America.
As we came into the harbor, we approached the Statue of Liberty and were partaking of communion as the sun set. This was a moment beyond description! It was truly a highlight for both of us.
America must have a new move of the Holy Spirit. I wish I could find the words to describe the spiritual darkness that we encountered on this journey. There is such a dark desolation over this great city. God has touched my heart and placed such a heavy burden for the cities of America, especially New York City. The cities are the gatekeepers of the nation! It is strange for me to feel so strongly this because I am a country boy from a mid-size city of 75,000 but my heart is crying out for God to move in the major cities of America. Please join with me for the PCG to increase our voice in these key spiritual arenas.
Billy Wilson who is the head of the Awakening America Alliance, shared that since 9/11/01, New York City has seen an increase in church attendance of 20%. While this is reason to rejoice, alcohol use is increased 30%, drug use increased 30%, and other degenerate behaviors have increased more than church attendance.
There were some interesting developments from the 9/11 prayer efforts at county courthouses across America:

- First, the PCG had more hits on the Cry Out America web site than any other organization! When Ashley Wilson shared this with me I just shouted, “PRAISE THE LORD!!” The PCG was a major leader in this mobilized effort of prayer.
- Second, every county in America had a prayer coordinator.
- Third, states in New England (where the prayer coalition met in April of this year) had 100% representation. This means that in the most liberal part of our nation there was a united effort for prayer and a cry out to God for America!
At the time of this writing, we are on our way back to Missouri and praying for the situation surrounding Hurricane Ike. Millions are without electricity and many of our own are in the path of this storm.
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