Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bishop's Update: C3, Pastoral Burnout, TV Broadcast

By Charles Scott
Greetings from the Lone Star State of Texas!

Janice and I arrived in Dallas yesterday and attended the first three sessions of the C3 Creative Church Conference hosted by Fellowship Church and Pastor Ed Young. Jentzen Franklin preached a powerful message on seeing one another through the mercy of God. This was followed by a message from Christine Caine from Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia. The Thursday am sessions and pastor luncheon were done by Ed Young.

I am excited about the energy of this conference and the focus on evangelism and next-generational ministry. I sense in my spirit that these needs are most vital in the Body of Christ for this season.

We have hooked up with several PCG guys and gals! Pastors Johnny and Linda Ross from Southern California; DYD's Terry and Kaylee Skiles from Southern California; Pastors Eddie and Karen Jones plus several of their staff from Rolla, Missouri; Youth Pastor Mike Koehlling and John Skiles from Jefferson City, Missouri and District Bishops from the Pacific Northwest, Dwayne and Jana Deskins. We may have missed some cause there is a crowd of folks here - about 5,000!

For the past several weeks, every service I attend and almost every message I hear centers around burnout, the need for time management, and the crisis times pastors are facing in the ministry. This is a topic close to my heart and a subject we are working on diligently as we strategically plan for the PCG. Many churches and pastors are currently facing crisis situations in finance, membership, growth, or other vital areas.

Tomorrow we are scheduled to be with Marcus Lamb on Daystar (Watch Celebration at 12pm EST). We are thrilled for the opportunity to share in this forum about you, the PCG.

Next week begins our Bishop's Conference. Our focus this year is on healthy ministers and healthy local churches. I will share more about this vitally important annual meeting in the days ahead.

Thank you for checking out the blog site! Let's move forward for the Kingdom!

Charles Scott


  1. Bishop

    I caught a few minutes of your time on Daystar today between sessons with Dr. Synan. Great job! Dr. Synan was mighily used of God - great services.

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