Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Help us plan the 2011 General Convention

By Bishop Charles Scott
We would love your feedback on the following:
  1. Would you favor a conference forum with breakout sessions?

  2. What type of sessions would interest you?

  3. Would you prefer outside speakers for the main services?

  4. Would you prefer department led services per history?

  5. What are the most important areas for you in relation to general convention, i.e. what do you expect from the meeting?

  6. What would you most desire from general convention?

  7. What would you like to say about general convention?


  1. I have only attended two General Conventions since being licensed in 1986. I almost didn't comment, feeling unworthy to make suggestions when not attending regularly. The truth is that I witnessed such a mean spirit among pastors that my wife and I felt it would be poor stewardship to utilize our churches resources to ever attend again. Two pastors had to be stopped from taking their argument outside (they were headed for a fist fight). One of them was a District Board member; and the other a well known Evangelist in our fellowship.

    I was so pleased to hear such positive comments about the last General Convention. I'm fully aware that we can't change the past and the mistakes of our past ministers and/or leaders; and I'd like to thank you, Bishop, for reshaping our future.

    I would love to attend a conference style G.C. with breakout session. Sessions on leadership, relationships between pastors and staff, church planting, church health/growth, innovative community outreaches, short term missions, planning big events, vision, and the like would be helpful.

    I would prefer outside speakers. Men like Tommy Barnett, Matthew Barnett, Larry Stockstill, T.D. Jakes - just to name a few - have so much to offer. Some of the greatest "preachers" in the world are in our fellowship; but I think we've learned that great preaching alone doesn't build churches. I would rather hear someone less eloquent with great ideas for building healthy, growing churches. We could also learn so much from our Baptist brothers and sisters; and I'm certainly not opposed to hearing one of them at a G.C.

    The Department led services were O.K., but I didn't walk away saying "Wow! That was awesome!" An Independent Church in Florida (Trinity), led by Pastor Tom Peters has an incredible missions weekend every other year. If we're to continue the department led services, they really need some spice, innovation, creativity - something that will motivate us to buy in and invest in that particular department.

    I would love to walk away from a convention saying, "I can't wait til the next one! I'm bringing my staff next time! I'm telling my church to come!"

    I want to belong. I want to be proud of our fellowship. I want to see men who can disagree without taking their disagreement to the parking lot. I want to see respect for one another. I want to see love that looks past our theological petty differences. I want to see maturity that embraces others when they think differently than we do. Again, I'm thankful for you Bishop, and our leaders in Joplin. You are making a difference!

  2. With all due respect (and I really mean that), there has to be a better time to honor the lives and ministries of our ministers who have passed away than during the Sunday morning service. The alomost funeral-like atmosphere that is created in the service is a real downer. It would seem to me that a "campmeeting" like service would go a long way towards setting the kind of tone that we would like to prevail throughout the entire convention. Additionally, in a service where we are honored to have representatives from other Pentecostal organizations present, do we really want to turn it into a somewhat depressing memorial service for those who have passed away? Just my opinion.

  3. Just curious... when do other organizations have their memorial services?

  4. CH (MAJ) Doug SwiftJanuary 6, 2010 at 2:01 PM

    I would like to second the sentiments expressed about the memorial. Remembering those that have gone before us is very important, however, I agree the Sunday AM service is not the best place to do it.

    I also think breakout sessions are a great idea. Although breakout session do require a bit of work to put together, it is a great chance to encourage further pastoral / lay leader discussion and continuing education. And to put my money where my mouth is, I would be glad to teach and or lead sessions in the areas of leadership, ethics or military ministry.

  5. One comment...convention needs to take on the Heart and Soul of the ILD Encounter...enough said. This is what our fellowship needs. Connecting the past, the present and the future, building spiritual bridges, encountering our God to discover and take on the PCG's ASSIGNMENT in the Kingdom!
