Monday, September 15, 2008

Vision Vitamins

Compiled by Charles Scott
Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike.
- Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

Conduct is what we do; character is what we are.
Conduct is the outward life; character is the life unseen, hidden within, yet evidenced by that which is seen.

Conduct is external, seen from without; character is internal--operating within. Character is the state of the heart; conduct is its outward expression.
Character is the root of the tree; conduct is the fruit it bears.
- E. M. Bounds

Here are a ten ways that will help to build a strong character...
  1. Practice patience when those around you are hurried.
  2. Act with faith and diligence when others show mistrust or lack of commitment.
  3. Be gentle when you meet with cruelty and harsh temperament.
  4. Be courteous, even when others do not show courtesy.
  5. Give generously to those who have nothing to give.
  6. Communicate peace to those who are saddened or anxious.
  7. Express gratitude for every experience and person you have known.
  8. Act with self-control when dealing with those who are out of control.
  9. Be encouraging to those who are discouraged.
  10. Act with self-discipline, even when it is difficult to take correct actions.

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