Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter's Over, Now What?

By Ken Row
The weeks (or months) of Easter planning have played out.

The worship leaders led.
The choirs sang.
The preachers delivered the Word.

Now most church workers are resting for a day or two.

Some are resting with a smile of satisfaction -- they saw the results they'd hoped to see.

Others are simply resting.

Either way, these next few days are critical.

Yes, you should take a rest.
Even Jesus needed time away from the crowds.

No, you should not resign.
Your exhausted mental and spiritual state makes you vulnerable to nonsense. Make it your policy to never make permanent decisions right after victories or defeats.

Yes, you should reflect.
My friend, Rick Clendenen, recently gave me three questions to ask after church events and services:
  1. What's the best thing that happened?
  2. What's the worst thing that happened?
  3. What can we do better next time?
No, you should not resign.
Are you paying attention? Expect that the devil will do anything he can to depress you. He knows you're vulnerable right now. Even if resigning seems perfectly sensible (enticing even), determine to not even think about thinking about it until two weeks are up.

Yes, you should be wary.
If you're going to rest, do it like Gideon's 300 -- the ones who drank their water by raising their hand to their mouth. Get refreshed, but keep your chin up and your eyes on the horizon, because the enemy is still out there.

No, you should not resign.
Enough said.

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