Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Management Myths

By Charles Scott
There are multitudes of material available on these management topics: time, finances, relations, human resource, career, weight and the list goes on and on.

The truth is that we do not manage these things: we actually manage ourselves.

President Eisenhower wrote, “The history of free men is not written by chance but by choice, their choice.”

As leaders we pursue success but it is only attained by choice. We don’t manage time; it goes by second by second but we choose how time is spent and what is accomplished.

We make choices how money is spent; money is neutral but our choice how it is used makes it good or evil. So how can we improve in the way we manage ourselves?
  1. I can only manage me. I have the power to choose how I act, how I respond, how I speak, how I think and how I live. I cannot manage everyone else and God did not call me to the Holy Spirit for everyone else.

  2. I must know what is important. The leader must know their priorities. What is the most important area to spend your time? Where should the money you have be spent?

  3. I have to say no. A leader cannot serve effectively until they know how to say no. Many leaders struggle with time because other people have failed to manage their time and create a crisis for the leader. In these cases much time can be lost. The leader must sometimes say “No” and not allow their time to be controlled by a faux emergency.

  4. I must smile. In a recent conversation someone mentioned to me that they were told some incorrect information. They asked how they should respond. I replied, “Just smile.” There are times it is best to not try and correct certain people and not engage them in a useless and meaningless educational effort. Just smile!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

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    Have a blessed reading.

    God bless you.
