Saturday, December 27, 2008

Changing My Perspective

By Gabriel Espinoza
Reference: Prov 23:7a; Mt 12:36

The domino affect: our thoughts affect our words. Our words will affect our faith. Our faith will affect our actions. Our actions will affect our destiny. But it all starts with a simple thought!

#1 Our thoughts affect our lives.
We are what we think! Therefore, we greatly need to change our mindset to reflect the mind of Christ. Paul declares that we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16), but he also says that we need to renew our minds (thoughts) to always align them according to God and be transformed (Rom. 12:2).

Can you imagine what God thinks? It’s more than what we can imagine! But we can have those thoughts in us, because we have the mind of Christ.

#2 From our thoughts, we speak.
Jesus says, “Those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart” (Matt 15:18). What we speak reflects our inner thoughts. The Spirit produces renewal in our words when our thoughts are being changed. Our thoughts change by the confrontation of His Word in us. We ask the sinner to change (repent), but have we changed? Have we aligned ourselves according to God’s thoughts? Why, then, have we stagnated and deviated from the purposes of God in us, in our ministries? Are we stuck or are we moving forward?

#3 Our words affect our faith.
When conquering the Promised Land, ten of the spies felt the land was a great land to live in, but didn’t have the courage to fight the giants. Their words of discouragement affected the people of God. The spirit of fear and unbelief was operating in their words.

Every day is a moment of opportunity to conquer our promise land and impact the lives of many! If our words affect the way we believe, what words are we speaking? Our own words or God's promises?

#4 Our faith affects our actions, and our actions our destiny.
As in the story of the Promised Land, God had taken the action to give them that land. It was a done deal. This land is a symbol of God’s plans and desires for us in the present. The way to this land is not easy though. There is a battle to fight and challenges to confront. The enemy will try to sow thoughts of fear and put up many obstacles, so we can then speak the words “this can’t be done”. Then our actions reflect our words, and finally, our destiny is altered from what God intended us to become.

Can you see what God sees? Imagine what He imagines? The Spirit wants to sow His dreams in us, so that our thoughts, faith, actions and destiny will be affected according to Him who called us. Does God see you staying where you are right now, or is He saying “there’s more!”?

Where does a great ministry start? In your thoughts!


  1. Great job, Gabriel. I have used this priciple in counseling for a while and sometimes people just look at me like I fell off a truck, but it is true. The renewing of the mind is the key. Many who think they nedd deliverance simply need to change the way they think. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

  2. Gabriel,your message is very needful. I do not think anyone can have great success in ministry without putting this bible principle into there life. Well Done! Larry Spivey
