Monday, December 29, 2008

Shepherd or Fisherman?

By Ken Row
Shepherds focus on the flock they have. They tend to it and oversee reproduction. Any increase comes from the members of the flock.

Fishermen focus on the catch they do not yet have. They vary their bait, fishing spots, and methods according to the type of fish they seek to catch. Any increase comes from the haul.

In the Old Testament, God focused on shepherding. Ps 23:1 sums it up: "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want."

In the New Testament, Christ mixed it up.

He said he was sent for the "lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matt 10:26, Matt 15:24), but he told Peter he'd make him a "fisher of men". He demonstrated knowledge of shepherding through the parable of the one lost sheep and the allegories like being the one door to the sheepfold and being the Great Shepherd whose sheep know his voice (John 10). But He also demonstrated fishing expertise through the two different times he helped Peter and company bring in super-huge hauls of fish.

Many churches today are strictly shepherding churches. Most growth comes either through members having kids who grow up to become members or through livestock trading (aka Church-hopping).

Some churches seem to be strictly fishing churches, gearing everything towards the seekers.

I wonder which busines Christ prefers us to be in -- shepherding, fishing, or both?

1 comment:

  1. i am sure we are called to be both sheppard and fisherman according to the teachings of Christ. we must weigh a balance between the two. as the lead pastor it is our responsibility that both are accomplished. This does not mean that we have to do them both ourselves but that we are responsible as leaders that both are done. Myself, i have the heart of a fisherman. i would rather leave the 99 to go for the one that is lost. i do have a great team that provides sheparding and care for those when they are in need. as a teaching pastor i do provide food for the consumption of both believer but i also live for the moment of leading someone to Christ that was far from Him. This is definately my heartbeat. I remind us of the words of Christ something like God with all your your neighbor as this all people will know you are my disciples!!! I am more passionate about making disciples (fishing) than i am about sometimes what i feel is babying high chair Christians. Just me, so what about you guys???
