Thursday, December 25, 2008

Somethin's Cookin' in the Cave, part 4

By Charles Scott
In order to handle your cave, relationships must be connected – the study of Scripture is a study of relationships. It is not good for man to be alone. God and humans walked together in the cool of the day. You will come to a part of your Bible that features a bunch of genealogies – they are in the Bible to show you there is power in divine connections. The Word of God says that Mary wrapped Jesus in swaddling clothes. She laid Him in a feeding trough – that was where the animals ate, where the cows slobbered, where the donkeys spit out seeds, where the livestock came for dinner – but before she put Him there, she wrapped Him. She covered Him.

You must have people in your life who will cover you. You see, there are elements that contaminate, penetrate and destroy. The world is a place where the elements are animalistic and they are trying to prevent your destiny from being birthed. Mary knew her Son's destiny – He would save His people from their sins – she knew there was animal stuff that could hurt Him, hold Him, and hinder Him, and so she covered Him so He could grow into His destiny. She was so consumed with Him fulfilling His destiny that she covered Him. We too must protect our destiny. We must protect the future.

Remember that when God is with you, nothing can touch you! When God is with you, you will survive. You will have some tough times, but you will survive. You will be put in rough places, but you will survive. The world was against me, but He rocked me in the cradle of His arms – I will survive. There were times when I thought I would lose my mind, but He held me in the shelter of His everlasting grace – I will survive. There were times when my heart was broken, but He said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." We will survive.

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